Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Guest Appearance

Last weekend, Tyler and I went down to Brandon and Megan's house to enjoy a fun night of bowling. To start things off, the Fat Cats in Provo is one of the smallest bowling alleys I have ever seen. We were told it would be an hour wait (not too bad considering it was a Saturday night) except it was much longer than an hour. People that came in after us kept getting lanes so I was none too happy and went to complain. I didn't want to yell or be disrespectful so the only thing that kept coming out was, "it's called customer service"--which Megan found hilarious. We ended up getting a lane so I guess it worked! We were enjoying ourselves until a huge crowd started forming in the lane next to us. I was getting a little irritated and then my brother informed me that Vanilla Ice was standing behind me. Yep, I typed that correct, Vanilla Ice was there with a crowd.

Of all places, Fat Cats in Provo. Now of course everyone around him was either a creepy old man or slutty girl that looked as if she said, "screw the prom, I'm hanging out with Vanilla Ice." Now maybe this would have been exciting had it been say, fifteen years ago, but now it is just annoying. To top the night off, this group decided they weren't getting enough attention and therefore decided to start a conga line down the lanes. I'm sorry but we came to bowl not to swoon over Vanilla Ice.